"Trumped-up charges won't stand, but those who built these charges will fall and never rise again.
"Did Saul stop David from becoming the greatest king in Israel? No, and neither will those who are attempting to stop Donald Trump. In the end, Saul fell by his own sword, and so will those who have joined the deep state in attempting to destroy Donald Trump and your nation. And the people will rally about Donald Trump as they rallied about David!
"Jealousy motivated Saul, as well as an evil thirst for power, and that is exactly what is motivating those who are seeking to destroy Donald Trump's presidency. They will live to regret what they have done! The good people of the land will not sit idly back and watch this demonstration of injustice without rising up and defending Donald. They have gone a step too far this time!"
Admin Note: Some items here will also be covered in the Shaking of the Judicial System prophecy.