
 Prophecy:   Miraculous Cures For Many Diseases Revealed

 Name:   Hank Kunneman

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Pending  

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"Why do I speak this? Because you will see medical breakthroughs that shall come as a result of the discovery of the power of light. And this light shall even cause the very veins of the human body to be cleared from plaque. And you will see where they will say, 'We used to do surgery – bypass of the heart – this way and that way.' But the simplicity of light shall recharge the heart and cause it to be revived, that the veins and the arteries shall be clear and reconstructed. And cells that are cancerous shall respond, as they will be overcome and rejuvenated by light.

"And let Me speak this: What satan desired, even in a vaccination to spike protein," God says, "I will use light to reverse and neutralize the effects of what was meant to be as a snare and a snake bite to a people, to neutralize its effects.

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