
 Prophecy:   A Worldwide Pre-Tribulation "End of Age" Harvest and Revival

 Name:   Elizabeth Cassutto

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 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    In Progress  

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From an Email:

Now watch God move with Power to heal Millions! The next generation of soul winners, redeemed, will be those the enemy tried to take out. God is plundering Hell's dark Agenda to populate Heaven! Our God reigns. He never loses a battle.Tonight, God is speaking this to me: I AM tearing open demonic plans with My Voice.Watch the enemy scatter. They'll (demonic workers) drop like flies and scatter but they can no longer hide from My Justice.

I AM avenging the death of my little ones. I will ride from My Holy Throne and the earth will quake.Watch and listen for My Sound, My Voice, what I AM doing and saying. I will not leave you in doubt.You will not be deceived if you press into Me. My Word is a sure Word and everything I speak will manifest.Nothing will escape My Power, Glory and Call.

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