The Spirit of the Lord says this day, "A strange plan shall begin to unfold in your nation – strange indeed," says the Lord. "For the 'liberalness' thinks it has found a loophole to thread the needle, to bait and switch, to (under the guise of deception, illness and timing) seamlessly switch the leadership. However," says the Lord, "they have miscalculated their TIMING.
"However," says the Lord of hosts, "PRIDE cometh before the fall. Haughtiness and pride," says the Lord, "have come to the edge of a destructive cliff, and now that agenda shall suffer one of the biggest blows it ever has, and shall be smeared by its own," says the Lord.
"For that flag has waved in the faces, pridefully, of this nation long enough; and 'humble pie' indeed shall be served for their insatiable lust to harm and hurt MY creation, and the innocent as well, for what they have done to the little ones.
"Their millstone has been etched with the charges at hand, and it shall be hung around the neck of that movement as it is gut open and all their inner workings come forth, as even this is connected to Ukraine," says the Lord, "their flags, at times, side by side. The connection shall be made, for it is the same groups and spirits working together undercover, and their mask shall now be torn off," says the Lord of hosts.