
 Prophecy:   God's Supernatural Wealth Transfer to the Righteous

 Name:   Jamie Rohrbaugh

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Failed  

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According to Joel 2:18-27, the latter rain outpouring begins not with the worldwide outpouring of God's Spirit, but with financial provision.

Joel 2:18-19, 23-24 and 26 are extremely specific about this. These verses all discuss the restoration and outpouring of grain, new wine and oil to God's people.

"Grain" is financial provision; "new wine" is Holy Spirit's restoring and refreshing work inside the heart, mind, will and emotions; "oil" is His anointing to minister to others. God's work begins with the restoration of all things to His beloved children, and continues with His newly-refreshed children ministering to others, bringing new sons and daughters out of the world and into His sheepfold.

Admin Note: Unless I'm missing, or overlooking something here, Jamie got it wrong as we're seeing the Spirit poured out on this nation right now through revival, but the money side of this hasn't shown up yet. Sure, there's been little bits here and there, but not the grand outpouring that was prophesied here, so gonna have to mark this as failed unless someone knows of something I do not. If you do, please, please let me know. Thanks.

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