Watch New York going to the end of the year for unexpected change is upon Albany says the Lord of Hosts they have rebelliously chosen to go off into the darkness where one cannot see and to maintain control have released into NEW YORK ANOTHER THAT SHALL MAKE ITSELF PLAIN SHORTLY. However, says the Lord, there is a bear trap, and it shall catch their foot and bring them down from their lofty position, for they have not learned from the fall of the former and shall become even more shameful for what they have done and this shall trigger a vein in the Spirit that runs to California says the Lord, events in the political arena in tandem watch and see says the Lord of Hosts for much will flip…. (FULFILLED)
Praise the Lord! New York is the carotid artery to DC. It's one of the biggest valves that pumps into DC what it needs…to cause all the damage it does. And you know when you want to shut off a valve, what do you do? You sever it…you pinch it, and you sever it, and I promise you the leadership of New York over the next year is going to feel the biggest pinch they have ever felt in their life. Cuomo was nothing…What happened with Cuomo was nothing! The leadership of New York was warned that if they did not learn from the fall of the former, their fall would be twice as bad.
And, this is coming because New York…there is a very intense territorial spirit that resides over New York. I can feel it in the atmosphere. I've lived here my whole life, and I can feel it, and it's there, and it needs to be broken, and you know where it's going to run to? California because it's the same atmosphere, but it needs to be broken, and we're going to call on the Lord to break this in the atmosphere because this spirit has been sitting on top of the Empire State Building and the Freedom Tower and every other tower it's been playing leapfrog with for way too long. So in a few minutes, we're going to pray.