Who Am I? I used to live your everyday, normal American Christian life. I went to church on Sunday and Wednesday, worship band practice on Thursday. I was on the church board and of course tithed my 10%. Even though I did all of that, my heart was far from the Lord at times and I had secret sin that only He knew about and I could not overcome it. In 2012 Jesus spoke to me in the middle of the night and said ” The time of the gentiles is almost over, you must get ready for My return.”
That is when I started seeking the Lord with abandon, and making sure that I was putting Him first every morning in worship and prayer. Suddenly the sins that I had been struggling for so long just vanished and He began to speak to me on a regular basis. In August of 2015 the Holy Spirit impressed on me to begin writing drown the messages that He was giving me. Through the help of a dear friend mine I started this blog in December of 2015 to share the messages that The LORD has laid upon my heart to share.
It is my prayer that you would heed His words.
God bless you!
(*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error?
Please let me know. Thanks*)