From bodyofchrist-ministries.org:
Hans Vandegouw was born in Eindhoven, the Netherlands in 1952. He immigrated to the United States with his family in 1955 and spent his childhood years in Fayetteville, Arkansas. He then moved and spent his high school years in the New Haven, Connecticut area, becoming a citizen there in 1970. He completed his college education in Michigan and received a B.S. in Pharmacy in 1978.
The first book he wrote was geared to pharmacy titled Guidelines to Radiopharmacy. Because much of his life was centered around the work and interest in science, an incredible transformation took place when he became a born -again believer in Jesus Christ. Because of the real and true experience of coming to personally accept a relationship with God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, whom he rejected most of his life - often on the basis of science - the continuing revelation of Jesus Christ to this author has motivated him to know Him more and to make Him known to others.
When he questioned the Lord why there was such scant proof available for the validity of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit placed upon him the interest to research and discover this "proof". From this came two works, titled The Evidence and Signs of the Times, written in the early 90's. From the investigation for these works, it was found that an incredible wealth of new information has come about in just the last 50 years. This has provided overwhelming proof for God, His Son and the Holy Spirit, not only in archeological, scientific and historical evidence, but in fulfilled prophecy as well. Based on the times we are living in, the Lord placed a burden for the re-writing and updating of Signs of The Times into the newer work which you are now able to read, Signs of the Coming Messiah in This Generation.
In 1998, H. Vandergouw with his wife, Cynthia, attended The School of the 10-40 Window, a missions focused school that led both he and his wife to desire to see all the nations to come to know Jesus. After a three year period of training and development, both returned to Sarasota/Bradenton, FL area where Cynthia became Missions Director at the Fellowship of Believers, a church both attend this day. H. Vandergouw is also President of The Body of Christ, Inc., a para - church ministry that has been involved in outreaches such as March For Jesus, Praise and Worship events, Tract-A-thon, LifeBoards (a billboard ministry) and various other outreaches not only to the lost but also to bind and unify the body of Christ for the sake of the Gospel. He and his wife Cindy are presently working closely with One OMC (Original Manatee County) to bring awakening, revival and transformation to the present 7 counties that now constitute southwest Florida.
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Please let me know. Thanks*)