In the last days there will be great preparations, and eventually the execution, of a massive global war that some will call "World War 3". It's not certain what form this will take, either conventional or nuclear, but it will engulf the entire war and will likely occur in conjunction with a major triggering event such as a global economic collapse. It could also be the war spoken of in Revelation 6. Nobody is quite certain. As of late, there has been some speculation that we are already in WW3. However, unlike prior wars, this isn't a "hot" war, but rather one of information, cyber attacks, economical, and other forms of warfare. Some smaller wars and skirmishes are unfolding as well, but the bulk of it is "bloodless", but no less destructive to the world as a whole.
(*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error?
Please let me know. Thanks*)