Viewing Prophecy

Major National And Ethnic Wars Erupting Across The Globe Print
Posted On January 2nd, 2015
  Status:    Fulfilled 

This prophecy speaks of major wars erupting all over the globe, far more than is or ever was typically seen in history.  But this isn't just literal nations rising against nations.  The original Greek word used in this prophecy is "Ethnos", which is where we get the word "Ethnic" from.  So these wars won't just be nation against nation, but also race against race, and ethnic group against ethnic group, and even possibly one religious group against another which we're seeing in full bloom right now.

(*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error? Please let me know. Thanks*)
  Supporting Verses:   Mark 13:7-8 Luke 21:10
  Teachings and Explanations: 
Luke 21:10 Commentary (Multiple Teachers) - Report Link
  Proofs and Fulfillments: (82) 
10 Signs That Global War Is Rapidly Approaching | ZeroHedge - Report Link
America Is Hurtling Toward A Full-Blown Hot Civil War | ZeroHedge - Report Link
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UN rights chief: Libya fighting endangers thousands of lives | Fox News - Report Link
Turkey: 1 soldier killed, 3 wounded in YPG attack in Syria | Fox News - Report Link
Burqa ban: Sri Lanka bars Muslim women from wearing face veils after Easter bombing attacks - Report Link
Pakistan: Three security personnel killed in explosion near Afghan border - Report Link
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US Central Command Chief says he has 'resources necessary' to deter Iran - Report Link
Iran's Revolutionary Guards' drone spies on US warships in Gulf, says a report - Report Link
Sri Lankan police looking for 140 with ISIS links, says President Sirisena - Report Link
Sri Lanka PM warns of more attacks as bombers still at large - Report Link
After Sri Lanka Easter massacre, local Muslims, refugees fear backlash - Report Link

US regrets Afghan civilian deaths, says answer is peace - Report Link
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ICRC: Residential areas of Libya capital turning into 'battlefields' - Report Link
The Guardian view on Libya: this crisis is international - Report Link
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Three Hospitals Attacked in Rebel Side of Aleppo, Syria - Report Link
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Putin is strengthening Isis in Syria, says UK foreign secretary - Report Link
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Iranian commander: We're doubling our missile activities - Report Link
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Officials: China will join the war against ISIS - Report Link
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  Keywords:   War, Destruction, Conflict, Strife, Ethic, Racial
Last Updated: Sunday, July 7th, 2024 at 9:03am
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Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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