Viewing Prophecy

Increasing Volcanoes, Sinkholes And Other Earth Changes Print
Posted On February 24th, 2015
  Status:    Fulfilled 

The bible prophecy predicts massive earth changes all around the planet including Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Sinkholes, etc.  This is a companion to the "Earthquakes in diverse places" prophecy.  This can be seen as unfolding in ever increasingly rapid and powerful ways as both the number and intensity of these events is escalating on an easily traceable scale.

(*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error? Please let me know. Thanks*)
  Supporting Verses:   Isaiah 24:1 Romans 8:22
  Teachings and Explanations: 
Isaiah 24:1 Commentary (Multiple Teachers) - Report Link
  Proofs and Fulfillments: (84) 
Increasing Instability Inside Our Planet Is Causing Apocalyptic Scenes In Iceland And Italy - Report Link
Nineteen Volcanos Erupt at the Same Time - Report Link
Why Is Volcanic Activity Starting to Go Crazy All Over the Planet? - Report Link
The most active and dangerous volcano never sleeps and erupts day and night - YouTube - Report Link
Indonesia's Mount Merapi erupts on Java shooting a giant ash cloud into the sky | Daily Mail Online - Report Link
Next big boom? Unexpected magma chamber growing under Mediterranean submarine volcano Kolumbo - Stra... - Report Link
Trident volcano - Aviation Color Code raised to Yellow, Alaska, U.S. - The Watchers - Report Link
Tonga volcano erupts eight times in two days - Insider Paper - Report Link
Supervolcano warning as threat level raised 1,800 years after world's biggest eruption - Daily Star - Report Link
Volcanic update: Magma moving in American Samoa- Unrest at 2 volcanoes in the Philippines (Mayon & B... - Report Link
Volcanoes All Over The Ring Of Fire Are Erupting Right Now – Is The U.S. Next? – The Truth - Report Link
The 2021 Canadian Wildfires Are the Worst the Country Has Ever Seen - Report Link
17th paroxysmal eruptive episode at Etna forces closure of Catania International Airport, Italy - Report Link
At least four people dead after Nashville floods, 130 rescued - Report Link
Scientists warn volcano extinct for 500,000 years 'appears to be recharging' - YouTube - Report Link
Eruption of Mount Etna in Italy - Volcano woke up - YouTube - Report Link
Kilauea volcano erupts on Hawaii's Big Island - Report Link
Wind fans wildfire in California canyons, residents flee - Report Link
Thousands flee erupting Indonesian volcano - Report Link

Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 15,000ft - Report Link
Sheveluch volcano on Kamchatka, Russia erupts to 15,000ft - Report Link
Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 17,000ft - Report Link
Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 16,000ft - Report Link
Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 20,000ft - Report Link
Ruiz volcano in Colombia erupts to 22,000ft - Report Link
Tengger Caldera volcano in Indonesia erupts to 10,000ft - Report Link
Reventador volcano in Ecuador erupts to 16,000ft - Report Link
Fuego volcano in Guatemala erupts to 16,000ft - Report Link
Ruiz volcano in Colombia erupts to 21,000ft - Report Link
Ring of Fire eruption 2019: Which Ring of Fire volcanoes will BLOW in 2019? - Report Link
Scientists locate potential magma source in Italian supervolcano - Report Link
Alert level raised for Agung volcano, site of one of the largest eruptions of 20th century - Report Link
Mount Vesuvius eruption risk: Emergency plans to evacuate 700,000 finalised | The Independent - Report Link
Katla volcano calm over the weekend - Crisis Coordination Centre to meet again today - Report Link
Japan's Sakurajima volcano could be close to major eruption for the first time in a century - Report Link
Earthquake Hits near Active Volcano in Nicaragua - Report Link
Sink hole swallows pedestrians on street in Lanzhou, China - Report Link
When will she blow? Iceland's vicious Katla volcano rumbles - Report Link
Hidden fault could trigger cataclysmic "megaquake" in Asia - Report Link

Sri Lanka Landslides Bury over 200 Families - Report Link
Mount St. Helens Is Recharging Its Magma Stores, Setting Off Earthquake Swarms - Report Link
Kanlaon volcano in the Philippines erupts, travel restricted - Report Link
North Korea's nuclear test 'could jolt volcano back to life' - Report Link
Scientists record massive explosion at Hawaiian volcano - Report Link
Los Angeles County Road Mysteriously Buckles, Prompting Closure - Report Link
Activists threaten lawsuit against EPA over fracking-induced earthquakes - Report Link
Cotopaxi Keeps Rumbling as Ecuador Prepares for Eruption - Report Link
Sinkhole That Fatally Swallowed Man Reopens in Seffner, Florida - - Report Link
Virgin Australia and Jetstar cancel all Bali flights as volcano spews ash | Business | The Guardian - Report Link
There's a Volcano Called Kick 'Em Jenny, and It's Angry | WIRED - Report Link
Wildfires In Canada And Alaska Drive Thousands From Homes : NPR - Report Link
More Than 50 Earthquakes Hit California Town in One Day - - Report Link
Chilean volcano jolts to life with surprise eruption - Report Link
The Number Of Volcanoes Erupting Right Now Is Greater Than The 20th Century’s YEARLY Average - Report Link
Experts' warning over volcanic eruption that could push Europe into darkness THIS CENTURY - Report Link
Parking lot sinkhole swallows Jaguar; driver escapes through window - Report Link
Massive Sinkhole Swallows a Bus in Brazil - Report Link
Mysterious booms shake Washington state community (+video) - Report Link
Louisiana sinkhole swallows up trees – video - Report Link

  Keywords:   Earthquake, Disaster, Volcano, Earth Changes, Sinkholes
Last Updated: Thursday, November 16th, 2023 at 12:18pm
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Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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