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Great Death Will Fall Upon The World Print
Posted On June 17th, 2021
  AKA:   Great Death Will Strike The Wicked And Unrepentant
  Status:   Pending: 7   In Progress: 1   Fulfilled: 10  

From what I understand so far about this prophecy, there are several major mass death events that will occur.  The first (although not necessarily chronologically so) a powerful, potentially single day event will strike the wicked, the ungodly, the evil, and the corrupt, sending them to their graves in a single day mass death event.  Within 24 hours, millions will die.  Specifically this will affect only those who are blatantly, and defiantly unrepentant.  Now, as for those who are unsaved, who are not counted among the most evil and blatantly unrepentant in the world, as far as I'm able to determine, they won't be touched.  Also, there is no known number, at this time, for how many will die.  All I've heard is just "millions", but no specific number to go with that.

The second is a mass death event, which will also occur globally, will result in the death of approximately 350million people.  In this event, just like in the one above, the most wicked, evil, and unrepentant will fall to this plague, but Christians will be protected.  Only the unsaved will catch the disease and die.  Only if they become saved during this time, or are miraculously healed by believers, will they survive it as it is reported to have a 100% fatality rate regardless of age.  There is no information on how fast this will play out, but there is clues that say it will easily last up to a month before it runs its course.

There is also a third, lesser, long term (ie, years) event that will occur because of the Covid shots, and other biological and chemical weapons used on the people of the world that will lead to the deaths of many men, women and children, and NOT just the wicked and evil.  This can and will strike anyone who took the Covid jab.

Edit (2025-01-27): I've corrected the above description to better explain upcoming events as I've come to understand how they will most likely be.

(*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error? Please let me know. Thanks*)
  Supporting Verses:   Psalm 91:6 Matthew 24:7 Revelation 6:8
  Teachings and Explanations: 
  Source Keys:    
Prophecy Type:     Unknown: Prophecy: Vision: Dream:
Prophecy Status:   Unknown (U)   Pending (P)   In Progress (IP)   Partial Fulfillment (PF)   Fulfilled (F)   Failed (D) 
  Proofs and Sources: (18)   
  P  Brandon Biggs  
  F  Julie Green (139) 
  F  Julie Green (104) 
  F  Julie Green (108) 
  F  Julie Green (76) 
  F  Julie Green (9) 
  F  Julie Green (3) 
  F  Julie Green (1) 
  P  Julie Green  
  F  Julie Green (1) 
  F  Julie Green (81) 
  P  Julie Green  
  P  Kent Christmas  
  P  Liberty Turnipseed (8) 
  P  Robin Bullock (9) 
  P  Timothy Dixon  
  F  Timothy Dixon (5) 
  IP  Timothy Dixon (1) 
**Proofs and Fulfillments can now be found under the individual source entries above.**
  Keywords:   Disease, Plague, No Cure, Unrepentant, Wicked, Evil, Death, Spiritual
Last Updated: Tuesday, March 11th, 2025 at 7:59am
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