
Water More Expensive Than Gas
Posted On January 28th, 2015
  Status:   Pending: 2   Partial Fulfillment: 3   Fulfilled: 1  

This prophecy details a time in history when droughts in some places will become so bad that some towns and cities will run out water, forcing them to evacuate their people.  This will also cause the price of water (the prophecy doesn't specify what kind of water, be that tap water, bottled water, etc) to exceed the price of gas.  Some cities will see their water become contaminated, causing everyone to switch to drinking bottled water, which will cause its price to skyrocket.

(*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error? Please let me know. Thanks*)
  Supporting Verses:   None
  Teachings and Explanations: 
  Source Keys:    
Prophecy Type:     Unknown: Prophecy: Vision: Dream:
Prophecy Status:   Unknown (U)   Pending (P)   In Progress (IP)   Partial Fulfillment (PF)   Fulfilled (F)   Failed (D) 
  Proofs and Sources: (6)   
  P  Brandon Biggs  
  PF  Dana Coverstone (30) 
  PF  John Paul Jackson (89) 
  F  Julie Green (20) 
  PF  Leslie Johnson (27) 
  P  Timothy Dixon  
**Proofs and Fulfillments can now be found under the individual source entries above.**
  Keywords:   Drought, Water, Gas, Evacuation, Expensive, Poisoned, Bottled
Last Updated: Sunday, October 20th, 2024 at 7:59am