EDIT: Rather than leave the updates page as it is until the new updates timeout, I removed all the update notices for the newly split election integrity prophecy. Now the updates displayed on the page are a bit more reasonable and more correctly reflect actual additions to the site rather than new and moved content.
I just wanted to start out by apologizing to everyone for blowing up the updates page. haha. I split one prophecy into two today, and had 159 connected proofs I had to move over to the new one, so the updates page kinda blew up because of that. :) So no, it's not THAT busy news wise right now This was just existing sources being moved to a new home.
The other thing I wanted to mention is I have a few more frontend UI improvements coming that I realized were kinda needed as I've been doing more work on the site. They're mostly click saving, but I think you'll like them. I'll let everyone know what they are once they're live. In the meantime, God Bless all of you, and thanks to everyone that's been helping out with submissions, error reports, and other similar help. It's really appreciated here, and I know God appreciates it too. :)
Your Brother in Christ,
Steven Lake
Chief Admin