Site Change Suggestions
Wednesday, February 11th, 2015 1:20pm

Okay, I have a question for all of you who use Prophecy Index, or are interested in the site.  I've got suggestions for two possible new features and I'm wondering what your thoughts are on these.

Suggestion 1 is to allow searching, not just of prophecies, but also teachings, proofs, and even possibly sources (ie, who gave the prophecy, and is related to modern prophecies only).  The idea was to make it easier to find related elements easier.  For example, finding out all the prophecies given by a specific person, or what prophecies a specific news/proof link is posted on, or a specific teaching, etc.

Suggestion 2 is to implement an update tracker.  IE, any changes, additions or updates made to prophecy entries would be tracked by an update tracker.  That would make it easier and faster to see what changed, if there were any updates or corrections, etc.

Anyhow, that's the two suggestions for improvements to the site.  If you have any others, by all means please share them.  Also, please comment on these two ideas and let me know what you think and if I should go forward with them.  I'm asking because I don't want to do things that are either counter productive or not what you want as a user.  God hasn't given me any insights on these one way or another, so I'm bouncing them off you guys to see if they'd be something you'd want.  Let me know, thanks.

Your Brother in Christ,
Steven Lake
Chief Admin

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Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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