Recent Feature Changes
Friday, October 7th, 2016 12:11pm

Hi everyone.  I just wanted to let everybody know about a few feature changes we've made here recently at PI.  Based on user interactions, feedback and other things, a few adjustments were made to the operations here at the site.

1.  You may notice that the little wrench icon is gone from the individual prophecies.  This is because this feature was not used by anybody, so we've discontinued it.  Instead, if you find issues with the site, errors or needed updates on prophecies, etc, please use the "Report a Problem" link in the menu bar.

2.  Added a bit more contrast to the top menu to make it easier to read.

3.  Greatly simplified the prophecy submission tool.  Now, instead of having to fill out this long, lengthy, complicated form, you have two fields and a checkbox you have to worry about now.  So instead of a great big number of questions, all you have to fill in is your email address, explain the prophecy you're submitting (don't forget to include any links or other relevant info with it!) and check the obligatory "I agree" box on the TOS statement.

Beyond that, that's it!  The form is super simple now.  So if you encounter any prophecies on the web you'd like us to know about, feel free to use the newly simplified form.  And, for those who wish even greater simplicity, if all you want to do is paste a URL into the summary box, then that's fine too.  We'll just take whatever you give us and run with it. :)  Anyhow, just wanted everyone to know about that.

Your Brother in Christ,
Steven Lake
Chief Admin

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Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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