Prophecy Filter and Updates
Thursday, June 29th, 2017 1:13pm

Hi all.  I just thought I'd throw out this little announcement to once again remind you that we're still here.  However, there's not much new stuff to report.  Things have just been generally rolling along quietly as prophecy is still fully underway, but there hasn't been much on our end that we've needed to do despite that, save for small occational updates as we're still waiting on several prophecies to get beyond their sorta "stalemated" current condition.  One new feature though that we did quietly roll out is a new tool on the main prophecy list that allows you to filter items on the prophecy list by prophecy type (modern/bible) and prophecy status.  Sadly I haven't figured out how to do sorting on this yet, so you can't sort by the other columns yet (ie, date added, last updated, etc), but you can at least filter down the list of prophecies to just specific things you're after.  Hopefully in the future I'll be able to add a few more features to this tool, and also add a few more tools to make your experience here even better.  My biggest issue right now is time.  But as that sorts itself out I'll be able to do more here.  Thanks everyone for your understanding.

Your Brother in Christ,
Steven Lake
Chief Admin

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Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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