As with any project, such as this site, as human caretakers we're limited in what we can do, see, catch, etc. We make mistakes, and we overlook things. So, if at any time you find an error on the site, bad links, typos, missing information, bad status, etc, by all means, PLEASE TELL US! We're not God, and we can't catch everything that we do wrong or miss. So your help in this matter is greatly appreciated. Seriously, we're not almightily overlords who will have you flogged if you speak up about something. We're just humble servants looking to do our best for God, and you can help with that. This project started over 5 years ago at the behest of God, and it will continue until He says we're done with it. So, since the project is His, and not my own, as a fellow believer, you're free to participate in this project and help us make this the best it possibly can in honor to God. :)
To make this as easy as possible, we've included reporting links (conveniently marked "Report Link", or "Please let us know") throughout the site where you can report prophecy, proof, teaching, or other specific items, or even general items of concern (Top menu -> Submissions -> Submit Error Report) that you think we should know about. And we even make it easy to report new prophesies, proofs, teachings or prophetic sources we don't already have listed or know about (again, we can't possibly know everything) which can easily be accessed under the "Submissions" link at the top of the page. Feature requests are also greatly welcomed. I've added as much as I can, but even I don't know everything that you might want. And some of the best new features on the site have come from suggestions by people like you!
So, please consider helping us out by giving us feedback as you have time, or you see things, think about ideas, have questions, etc. And don't worry, I'm completely fine if you flood my inbox with stuff. The more people like you get involved, the better this site can become. So please, share your thoughts with us. We really do appreciate all you share with us.
Your Brother in Christ,
Steven Lake
Chief Admin