As a followup to my previous post on November 23rd, I just wanted to let all of you know that the new link checker bot that I created to deal with this huge load of bad links that have built up on the site over time is doing an incredible job so far and is cleaning things up. If you're still submitting bad link reports, please continue to do so. It'll take, at least, a couple more weeks for the bot to get through everything. Once that completes its first loop it'll take it some time to get back through the links again to keep checking them over and over again, ad infinium, as it won't try to check them again for another 90 days.
That being said, if you do encounter bad links now, or in the future, please feel free to report them as always, bad link bot or not. The bot can spot a lot of things, but it can't get everything. So please, continue submitting any issues you find going forward as usual. Just realize that you now have a little android help to make the job easier. ;) Also, the bot WILL NOT be checking prophecies, summaries, sources, etc. The bot is only capable of checking external links to make sure they're still valid (ie, not 404, 503, etc). So ensuring that summaries, sources, keywords, and all that are up to us.
I don't have Hal 9000 working for me, so every one of us needs to pitch in and ensure that the site is up to date, and stays up to date. So please, continue to help out wherever you can. God, I know, appreciates it (since this was a project He sent me on, and wasn't my own idea/doing/calling), and I most certainly appreciate it. So keep pitching in. Also, lastly, I'm still in search of a new theme for this site. I've already considered two 3rd party themes so far as potential foundations for the new design. They are the Real Church - Good Layers theme, and the LightHouse Church theme. I'm not satisfied really with either one in their entirety, But, these should give you somewhat or an idea of what I'm after with the new design.
And, if you want to go in a totally different direction, or think that another prefab theme out there is better, by all means, PLEASE share that with me. I'm not locked into these being what I want or will have, but merely serve as an example of some ideas I have. If yours is better, I'm all ears. then I'm all ears. But please, help Prophecy Index find a new, updated theme that is mobile responsive so that we can reach more people with the gospel, with prophecy, and with the good news. Thanks everyone!
Your Brother in Christ,
Steven Lake
Chief Admin