A Couple More New Changes!
Wednesday, March 11th, 2015 6:45pm

Hey, everyone!!  We've got some more changes for you!  Okay, okay, I know we've been doing a bunch of new improvements around here, but I think they're good ones, and I think they will streamline things around here in a positive way.  So what has changed around here?  Well, a few things.  The first is the entries for sources on the Updates page.  Instead of just a pretty little text entry denoting the name of a new source that's been added to one of the modern prophecies on the site, the name now includes the link to the original source of the prophecy just like they now appear on the individual prophecy pages.

The second is a slight change to the way change suggestions can and are submitted.  First off I've hyper simplified the forms.  No having to check this, select that, choose the other, etc.  Now it's just a simple textbox in which you can freely explain to us everything that needs to be changed without having to take a whole bunch of extra steps and, the best part is, you now do it from the upper right via the wrench icon.  Just click it, a popup form will appear, and you enter your information in there, click submit and you're done.  It's now that simple! :D

I hope these couple of changes prove beneficial to you.  If you have any problems with the site, please, as always, let me know.  Thanks.

Your Brother in Christ,
Steven Lake
Site Admin

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Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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