Summary: Starting at 20:00m. China will take a major fall in their economy. Yes, they were the biggest financiers of the big steal, besides those elites, and your own government. They are truly your enemy. China, you are being judged, and I AM wiping out your finances you have used against My nation. You will be crippled financially from here on out. You are another Egypt, and one day all will be gone. My children, who live in China, do not fear, for this is not for you. You are covered with My blood. And I AM Jehovah Jireh, and I will provide for you. The wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. Your dictator, the president of China, will fall, and will be visited by the Angel of Death, just like so many others.
Summary: Starting at 3:10m. God will bring China to its knees for what it has done to America, and the world, and especially to Israel. They will be stripped of their finances and power, and will never be the same again. They will struggle like Egypt going forward, always poor, destitute, and crushed.