Summary: Starting at 10:21m. Hunter Biden, these are your final days of freedom. Your laptops are resurfacing, and judgment will hit you in a way you never thought possible. You lied and cheated, and all for a disgusting lifestyle. Your perversion and drug addiction, you couldn't control the demons inside your head. You could've come forward, Hunter. You had a chance to repent, and be free from it all. You can't hide anymore from your sins you have committed. Videos are coming, and they won't suppress them this time. Hunter, you have become the hunted. I warned you, and you refused to listen. You will end up paying the ultimate price. You knew about Joe, and still turned away for your money and drug addiction. (FULFILLED)
They rewarded you nicely for keeping your mouth shut while your dad was vice president, and the supposed president, which is fake, and a liar. All the money you siphoned from other nations for your dad, and Obama. All those bank accounts, the money trail will be exposed in this hour. I have all the evidence on you, Hunter, and there is no way to get out of what is coming for you now. You tried to take your own life, and you failed. The whole world will know what you have done, and judgment will be handed down, Hunter, and the time has come to be completely uncovered for who you really are.
Impeachable Acts: this will be in major headlines and will continue to be heard. More and more will continue to come out regarding Hunter Biden's laptop. Also, more whistleblowers will surface about all the Bidens' contacts in so many countries that were paid to do their dirty deals and participate in dirty schemes. A nickname China Joe will be explained, yes, but there are more countries than that your fraudulent government got paid by. It's the time more will surface, and explosive evidence will be revealed. They are done with "the Biden" so they can save themselves, but judgment is hitting them all, and all the money trails will be found and followed. All who participated will pay for the treasonous acts against you, oh United States, and also for what the elites have done against all of the nations of this Earth. (FULFILLED)