Summary: Starting at 9:39m. Submarines will be exposed in your waters. They were about to strike your nation with war. Your fraudulent government wanted it. I am making them come to the surface to expose their evil plans. (FULFILLED)
Continue to watch the East Coast for weather. Your enemies are trying to invade your waters with their submarines and their warships. Yes, they had planned an attack on you, oh United States, but I, the Lord, will NOT allow them nor their plans to succeed. The winds, the waves, the hurricanes that will blow into the waters in this unusual hour for this type of storm will crush your enemies, who will be unaware. It will confuse, delay, bring frustration and bring chaos into the camps because it is disrupting their plans.
A foreign military is hiding in the waters on the coast of your nation, oh, United States. It will be found and shown to the world by My hand. Their plans will be shattered. Nothing your enemies are doing now; all their plans are falling apart for no reason, they think. Your enemies will soon find out that I do exist, and I am against them, saith the Lord of Hosts. (FULFILLED)