Summary: Starting at 1:30m. Mark Zuckerberg, your finances will be taken. You will be removed from your place of protection, and your power and finances will be ripped from your hand with no way to stop it. You have betrayed this nation for your own financial gain, and a bigger power grab. You said no to repentance, so judgment is coming to you, and the platform you used to misinform the people, cheat, lie, steal, and control the narrative. Yes, it will be exposed, and completely removed.
Part 2 starts at 2:18m. Facebook will have more whistleblowers coming forward. What took place yesterday was to hide their dirty deeds they have done. You will hear about more exposures about Mark Zuckerberg. He has chosen not to repent, but to further the globalist's agenda by using his invention designed to steal people's identities, and information, and sell it to the highest bidder. This is just one of the social media platforms to do so. There have been spies in the land to learn your likes, and dislikes, what to watch, and to watch your every move. They've planned to use this knowledge against you in their takeover, and their coup, the Great Reset. I've put My people in the midst of them to expose it all. All will be uncovered.
Part 3 starts at 3:12m. Mark Zuckerberg, you are being exposed now, and the changing of your company's name will not stop the exposures. Nor will it stop your fall, and your power, your finances are being taken from you. All that you know will be taken for your part in this Great Reset.
Admin Note: Apologies, but I didn't record the original prophecy. So I'm using this prophecy fulfilled entry instead to record it.