Summary: Starting at 7:53m. My children, you are about to hear of deaths, not only in the supposed White House they have hidden, but there will also be death to major players in your congress, and senate. The days of the Angel of Death are upon the enemies. Their great harvest, in the hour you are in now. Major players in both parties will lose their lives to a mysterious illness, and they can't figure out the cause. More people will drop dead with no explanation as to why. You've already heard of some. But the numbers are about to shock the world, how many will die in such a short time.
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Summary: Starting at 11:38m. Watch as the deaths come in the headlines on a daily basis. Watch for names in your illegitimate government, in hollywood, Disney, news reporters, judges, generals, governors, mayors, state officials, and anyone in power that stood against Me (ie, God), and refused to repent.
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Summary: Starting at 8:52m. Major deaths in your lands are coming, of people who held you hostage.