
 Prophecy:   A Worldwide Pre-Tribulation "End of Age" Harvest and Revival

 Name:   Jim Obermeyer

 Source URL:   Unfortunately, no link is available

 Type:   Vision  

 Status:    Pending  

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Summary: I was standing on the platform of a large auditorium with a balcony. The place was packed. I then saw the Glory of God come upon the whole auditorium, upon every person like golden rain falling on the everyone in the auditorium.
His commentary on this: I truly believe that God was showing me as He has shown others that we are on the verge of experiencing a great move of the Spirit, possibly the Latter Rain the book of Joel talks about. Many in the 1940's called that the Latter Rain Movement, but many men and women of God are being shown that this is to be a great worldwide outpouring. I believe it. Let us pray and believe God to do what He has said and shown that just might be the last great move of the Spirit before the coming of the Lord. It was prophesied by a prophet over me years ago that this would be bigger than even I could imagine and three in three separate times and places prophesied to me the same thing, a great move of God. It IS Coming!!! Get ready!

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