Prophecy: New Madrid Earthquake
Name: Elizabeth Marie
Source URL: Click to View
Type: Dream
Status:  Pending
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In November 2016, I dreamed I was with a bunch a people and somehow I knew we were in the southern part of the U.S.A. We were all standing outside, almost frozen with fear as we waited. There had been a HUGE earthquake in the north and we were all filled with dread knowing we were about to feel its effects. It seemed like we were to be the last location that was going feel it coming. I told everyone to hang on.
Then, all of a sudden, while waiting for this earthquake to happen, I had a vision within the dream. I saw an outline map of America. I didn't see the state lines, but only the outline of the U.S. Then, the map zoomed to where the earthquake started and I saw a black dot pulsating on the epicenter. The dot was in the upper part of the middle of the country, however, I wasn't sure of which state. It seemed higher than the New Madrid fault. Then I saw '9.5' indicating the level on the Richter Scale. I was not given any dates or timing.
I believe this dream has a couple of interpretations-dual meanings:
I believe this earthquake might have to do with the New Madrid fault and a massive earthquake occurring that will shake the whole country. A few days after the dream, I saw the U.N. voted for a two-state solution in Israel. The LORD then reminded me of this dream and I knew it was related. So, I believe this has something to to do with the division of Israel. Whoever divides HIS land will comes in harms- way according to Scripture.
I believe this is about a great divide coming (and has already begun) in the U.S., as we see the lines between good and evil become more and more distinct. This earthquake could unleash more civil unrest in our nation, our communities, as well as within our own families. JESUS said a house divided cannot stand (Mark3:25). I believe that also applies to a nation.
NOTE: The largest earthquake ever recorded was in 1960–a 9.5 in Chile.
There are no proofs to display at this time. |