Prophecy: The Shaking of the Judicial System Name: Diana Larkin Source URL: Click to View Type: Prophecy Status:  Pending
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“The BAIT was just TOO JUICY, and the ‘HANGING JUDGE’ just couldn’t RESIST it…he BIT! In his DELUDED, DRUNK WITH POWER MIND, he thinks he’s delivered a DEATHBLOW to your rightful leader. Those partnered with darkness are all patting themselves on the back at this DEATHBLOW they think they’ve delivered. My Army of Light, do NOT be in ANXIETY over this APPARENT VICTORY for the darkness. It will be SHORT-LIVED because there is a HIGHER JUDGE above this LAWLESS judge and that is your God Most High. I’m inviting you to see with My eyes into the future, and you will realize THE HANGING JUDGE HAS JUST HUNG HIMSELF. CROWING with victory will turn to EATING CROW when the CORRUPTION and BRIBERY behind this judgment are EXPOSED. Don’t think of bad judgments like this as DEFEAT. Think of them as EXPOSURES ON STEROIDS, as people and plots are EXPOSED, EXPOSED, EXPOSED. HOLD STEADY, Army of Light, and continue to CALL FORTH the EXPOSURES and CALL IN the JUDGMENTS of the UNJUST. Wait and see…THE HANGING JUDGE HAS JUST HUNG HIMSELF.” |