
 Prophecy:   The Prophecies of New York

 Name:   Kent Christmas

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    Pending  

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Summary, Starting at 1:24:55m: I'm going to start a fire of My Glory, and it shall start in New York City. The city has become so much a tribute to Baal and the demons that I'm going to invade that city, and I'm doing that because New York touches the entire world, as it is a melting pot of the entire earth. So My Glory is going to start in New York City, and this time the fire of My Glory will not be put out until the angel blows the trumpet and calls My children home. And, as pagan as this city has been, she shall be equally anointed.

God is also going to send a revival out of New York, and down the east coast, and into the south, and use it to bring an end to racism in this nation. (the USA)

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