Nancy Pelosi, your days are numbered. You are being destroyed from the inside out, and your time is about to expire but not before all that you have hidden and all you have done is exposed. Your gavel will be ripped from your hand. (FULFILLED)
The House will be destroyed before your very eyes so that you see all that you worked so hard at for so long has all been taken away by Me, saith the Lord. (IN PROGRESS)
I am draining your financial accounts of all the blood money, from your stealing of finances through your Bills and your evil schemes which you passed in the People's House to pad your own pockets and to destroy this nation.
Your ties to China will be exposed: how they paid you to work for them to destroy this nation for their own gain, how they promised you they would hide you for what you had done so you would be set for life. (FULFILLED)
Nancy, I am ripping your protection apart and the gates you had put up to keep you from destruction. I have brought them down. Now I will bring you down, saith the Lord of Hosts. Nancy, these are the days and hours of your destruction, and no amount of drinking will lessen the embarrassment and the pain you will feel when all is taken from you. (IN PROGRESS)