
The Great White Throne Judgment
Posted On December 26th, 2017
  AKA:   The Judgment Seat of Christ
  Status:    Pending 

The Great White Throne Judgment is an event that follows the Millennial Kingdom and involves the once and for all final judgment of all the lost and unsaved who have been sent to Hell and await their final punishment.  This won't be a question of who will be there or where they will go, as that will already have been decided by then.  But rather this will be a determination of the degree and severity of the punishment each will receive with some receiving greater punishment, and others less.  But all who stand at this judgment will be punished regardless.  It will also signal the final purging of all evil, wickedness, sin and disobedience from God's kingdom, leaving only the saved, redeemed, obedient servants of God, along with the Holy Angels, to fill His kingdom.  The actual judgment itself will be overseen by Christ Himself.  After each lost soul is judged, they will then be cast into the Lake of Fire where they will begin serving out their punishment.

(*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error? Please let me know. Thanks*)
  Supporting Verses:   Revelation 20:11-14 Daniel 7:9-10
  Teachings and Explanations: 
  Proofs and Fulfillments: (1) 
  Keywords:   God, Jesus, Judgment, Great White Throne, Hell, Lake of Fire, Eternal Punishment
Last Updated: Monday, February 13th, 2023 at 9:18pm