This prophecy basically details the past and future fate of Saudi Arabia whose territory in the past was made up of five kingdoms, namely Dumah, Dedan, Tema, Kedar and Arabia. Part of this prophecy has already been fulfilled in antiquity and the second half is presently being fulfilled before our eyes in the building tensions between Saudi Arabia (and her allies) and Iran, Russia and their respective allies. At some point Russia and Iran will greatly harm Saudi Arabia, but not totally destroy it. There is evidence that this will precede the events as spoken of in Ez38. Hence why Saudi Arabia only protests as they will be sitting back licking their wounds at that time.
The second half of the fulfillment of this prophecy begins with "whirlwinds in the south", which many believe are the two back to back hurricanes that slammed into Yemen only a few days apart, as well as several freak storms that struck the heart of the nation causing large numbers of casualties. It's believed that these are the precursors spoken of in Isaiah that mark the beginning of this prophecy. A recent rise in hostilities between Saudi Arabia and Iran appear to be the rising up of the next step in the fulfillment of this prophecy. However, what the exact course of events will be that leads up to this is still at this time uncertain.
(*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error?
Please let me know. Thanks*)