The bible predicts an overwhelming move by the entire planet towards global governance and a One World Government which will eventually be taken over and ruled by the AntiChrist. One of the elements of this world empire will be an incredible, invasive, pervasive, all encompassing, totalitarian surveillance system that will track the movements of every single person in the world in real time, tracking what they are doing, where they are going, and so on. Nobody can move, do, say or think anything without someone in this supra world government knowing about it. This new globalist government will also include huge amounts of powerful censorship (we're already seeing the beginning stages of this now) to silence all dissenting voices, be they Conservative, Christian or merely those who disagree with the global order. Anyone not walking lock step in line with the globalists and the AntiChrist will be silenced.
Note: While we're indeed seeing the first rumblings of this coming to pass, this prophecy will not come to complete fruition until the Tribulation. Even so, that doesn't mean we won't see the first shadows of it right now in the world as we move towards that day.
(*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error?
Please let me know. Thanks*)