A Worldwide Pre-Tribulation "End of Age" Harvest and Revival |
Posted On November 25th, 2018 |
AKA: |
Status:  Pending: 11  In Progress: 3  Partial Fulfillment: 7  Fulfilled: 1 | |
Summary: This prophecy speaks of a massive soul harvest that will be a bookend to the church period and bring it to a close. This isn't the gigantic soul harvest spoken of to occur during the Tribulation, but rather a global revival and soul harvest prior to that time, which will bring in the final saints of the church period, and bring this time period, and biblical dispensation, to a close, which will then followed by the Tribulation and the Millennial Kingdom. As a special bit of note, if I'm understanding this correctly, and its related supporting bible verses, this will occur side by side with the wheat and tares prophecy of Matthew. (*Do you have a better description, or did you find an error? Please let me know. Thanks*) |
Supporting Verses: Matthew 13:24-30 | |
Teachings and Explanations: None |
Source Keys:
Proofs and Sources: (22) PF *Multiple Sources* (72) PF Amanda Grace (56) IP Elizabeth Cassutto (139) PF Kathy DeGraw (73) PF Kenneth Hagin Sr. (52) PF Kent Christmas (67) IP Kim Clement (8) PF Mark Chironna (77) F Robin Bullock (40) PF Timothy Dixon (43) IP Timothy Dixon (147) |
**Proofs and Fulfillments can now be found under the individual source entries above.** | |
Keywords: Revival, Repentance, Soul Harvest, Global, Church Age, Salvation | |