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 Prophecy:   The Oil Wars

 Name:   John Paul Jackson

 Source URL:   Click to View

 Type:   Prophecy  

 Status:    In Progress  

Summary or Prophecy Text
“Attacking Iran will cause a panic on the world oil market to blackmail the US and any other country that wants to support Israel. They will blackmail and say they will not continue to give that country oil unless you do not continue to support Israel. So, that will change the petroleum market really quick with what the world sees as a surplus market to a condition that is not that.”

“The day is going to come when Israel will hit Iran. They already have hit; there were mystery explosions that happened. The Lord told me about this. Israel will one day send in rockets into Iran, but before that day happens, there will be other explosions that will be called mystery explosions, and those have happened. (FULFILLED)

But one day it is going to happen, and when that takes place, and those missiles hit Iran, there is going to be a huge growth of anti-Semitism. And everybody is going to blame Israel on the price of gasoline. (IN PROGRESS)

You are going to see an incredible backlash that is going to happen. You are going to see OPEC countries forming an alliance that says we will not sell to anybody who supports Israel. 'So, America if you want gasoline you better stop your support of Israel.'

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Amos 3:7
Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth
his secret unto his servants the prophets.

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